CLP’s Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendar!
 1. February 1 – 7, 2024:
Inter-faith Leaders’ Dialogue on how to promote a culture of peace and non-violence among faith communities in Nigeria as part of activities to mark International World Interfaith Harmony Week.

 2. February 6, 2024:
Advocacy Training of Grassroots Community Leaders on how to effectively monitor and track the implementation of Constituency Projects in Ekiti and Osun States.

3. February 6, 2024:
Validation Workshop on the Community Development Plans produced by Grassroots Community Leaders and Local Government Officials in Eight Local Government Areas in Ekiti State.

4. February 20, 2024:
Launch of the Community Development Plans of Eight Local Government Areas in Ekiti State.

5. February 22, 2024:
Capacity Building of Grassroots Community Leaders/Voice Actors on engaging their Elected Representatives.

6. February 22, 2024: 
Digital Skills Training of Grassroots Community Leaders, Local Government Officials and Constituency Project Tracking Teams in Ekiti and Osun States.
CLP News

On January 31, 2024, CLP will be having a Sensitisation Meeting with Religious Partners on the upcoming Interfaith Harmony Week happening from February 1-7, 2024. The purpose of the Meeting is to discuss with our partners and strategise on how best we can use the week to promote inter-faith harmony among people in our various communities and religious platforms.